Committed to the Environment

At Costa Rica Dive and Surf, we are committed to the environment. We enjoy natural treasures every day and firmly believe that, as human beings, we are responsible for proactively taking care of the world we live in.

To achieve this, Costa Rica Dive and Surf promotes and supports different initiatives aimed at the benefit and improvement of the environment. Our approach focuses on three main pillars that we consider of utmost importance. We seek to develop them in coordination with other entities and like-minded organizations.

1. Environmental Education

The future is in the hands of children and young people. Providing relevant education in the environmental field is an extremely important investment. Educating is fundamental and the foundation for the change we need for our planet.

Environmental Education helps students broaden their holistic view of the world. It helps them focus not only on their personal interests but on collective interests, by learning how they can contribute to the improvement of the environment.

Environmental education contributes to resource conservation and environmental cleanliness. When students take ownership of these causes, they begin to care more about the proper use of resources. They become more mindful of water, electricity, and waste management, and become allies of wildlife. Small efforts, when combined, can lead to great positive impacts.

2. Research

The presence of humans in natural areas often affects ecosystems in various ways. Understanding the real conditions of the species in the areas where we operate allows us to make appropriate decisions for the future.

Research involving the collection and analysis of data on local species provides significant scientific value. Some projects, such as “The Secret Life of Sharks” developed by CIMAR of the University of Costa Rica, are examples of initiatives we seek to support.

We want to continue enjoying and promoting sustainable tourism. A type of tourism where we responsibly and knowledgeably care for the different ecosystems we come into contact with. For this, we need research.

3. Protection

Environmental protection often faces significant barriers, most of which are economic and related to human resources. Although many organizations and companies are willing to contribute in this regard, it is still not enough.

In Costa Rica, the protection of our precious resources remains a great challenge. With just over 450 park rangers across the entire territory and a challenge of 5,000 hectares for each of them, the task simply seems impossible.

At Costa Rica Dive and Surf, we want to boost this area. We wish to support specific projects that contribute to environmental protection by seeking human and financial resources.

This beautiful world we live in is everyone’s responsibility, and we must always ask ourselves what our role is in conserving and preserving it for future generations.

Educating, Researching, and Protecting… this is our vision for the environment.

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