Why should I become a diver?
If you have never been scuba diving before you absolutely do not know what you are missing. Here we share 3 good reasons why you should become a diver.
Scubapro Galileo Hud Dive Computer a real game changer
The Galileo Hud is a new piece of hi-tech equipment that is not your ordinary dive computer. Find out more details about this computer here.
6 tips to avoid diving stress underwater.
We share 6 tips (There are more) that may help you to reduce the risk of developing diving stress underwater and avoid unpleasant situations.
Flying After Diving: How Long Should You Wait before flying?
Flying after diving is often discouraged for divers without waiting a specific amount of time. How long should you wait ? Find out the details here.
Scuba Diving Preparation:6 things to consider before the dive
The scuba diving preparation makes this sport a safe experience. We bring you here “Preparation before dive. 6 things to consider before the inmersion.”
The Snail and the Whale, an animated short film for humpback lovers
The Snail and the Whale is a special animated short film adapted from a children’s book by the same name from Julia Donaldson and Axel Sheffler.
Why Do Humpback Whales Migrate? Discover Their Amazing Journey!
Humpback whales travel thousands of miles from Antarctica to the warmer waters of Central America. Know more about the Humpback whales migration!
What you can see on a Corcovado Tour?
Corcovado National Park is one of the most espectacular natural reserves in Costa rica. Take a Corcovado Tour and discover this amazing place.
Deepspot Pool could be the greatest manmade dive spot on earth
Deepspot Pool is being constructed in Poland. It is believed that it will be the deepest pool anywhere in the world. Find out why.
How to choose the best scuba diving mask
There many things that you should be considering when it comes to buying a good scuba diving mask. Below we put together a good short list.
Where to get your first scuba gear?
When it comes to making your first purchase of your scuba gear there are several different options for you to choose from. Today we share 3 with you.
7 great diving destinations in 2022 for any diver
With earth’s surface consisting of 70% water, it is highly unlikely that you will run out of g good diving destinations. Today we share with you 7 options.
Top 5 Benefits of Scuba Diving
People choose to go scuba diving for a number of reasons. There are many different benefits that can come from taking up scuba diving. We share with you 5.
The best Corcovado National Park Tours will be available soon
As with all of the other tours that we offer, our Corcovado National Park Tours will be absolutely the best time you have spent while visiting Costa Rica
Local Diving Made Easy with Diver Orientation
According with PADI It is important to seek the advice of local divers before you hop in the water. Know why a local diving orientation is important.